Sunday, February 1, 2009


History has shown and proved the above line to be true. In the context of our country Nepal also the history has shown that its only because our unity among our people that our ancestor succeed in making a divided country into a whole country, Nepal with its own sovereignty, status and identity. The result of that gallant deed has given us an opportunity to have our own country Nepal, to have our own identity as Nepali and to have our own freedom. Any simple mind can imagine the situation when it was divided into 22 and 36 states, where the possibility of war for the expanding the state would prevail among all the states and above all the chances of invasion by the strong invader was much more high. At the midst of these situation maintaining the common harmony among different castes, sects and ethnicity, the courage they had shown to unite for the sake of the country as a common interest is an example for today's generation who are fighting among themselves. Let us not forget that we all are first Nepali, then only comes the other identity . If there is no Nepal, there is no Nepali at all and of course no Pahadis , Madhesis and himalis.

Dear friends, let us just sit and think for a second. Where are we? what are we doing? Where have we reached in search of our status, identity and needs? What is our current common interest? what is our country exactly seeking from us? And are we heeding towards the right direction?

At present, Our country is on deep suffocating crisis. Never ending political instability, economical burden, infrastructural inefficiency, and ethnic crisis. There were lots of futile plays that had been made in the past to segregate ourselves and to shatter our unity. But our strength of brotherhood was much more stronger than their filthy tactics. we remained as a beautiful multicultural and multiracial garland as ever, united by the sacred thread of nationality. Now, at present, again, those detrimental elements are trying to set fire on our fraternity and brotherhood. In addition to that, present political turmoil set a nurturing platform for opportunistic people to bubble as a political leader in the name of racism.

I don't know what exactly we all are craving for. The time has come to realize us individually. What is our priority? First the country or the sects, national unity or the ethnic unity, the geographical rejuvenation or the geographical division, destructive political conspiracies or the constructive political agendas, assembly for protest or assembly for suggestions, propelling positive thoughts for unification or inciting disastrous negative thoughts for division.

It is we who decide what to do next. let us warn our so called leaders to take the steps cautiously putting the national interest first. let us not allow them to perturb our exemplary unity and fraternity.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

View this important message.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Common Interest

we all have different opinion and desires thats how we are run. But still there is a common point where all our common interest meets. So, considering the common interest we have to complete our duty in terms for the betterment of the society. Thats what I believe. And this is the way that all the problems are addressed, all issues are settled down and every one are satisfied. That ratifies not only in personal issues but also in the political matters, diplomatic issues and hope all the matters.